This service is provided by ENFAY company in Stockpiles of Yvyrá, Ñandubay and Yatay and LUBELINE in Durazno Stockpile.
Two of these Stockpiles belong to us: Yvyrá and Durazno.
Yvyrá Stockpile, with a capacity of 100,000 solid m³, is located in the department of Canelones, and it manages and receives timber for Montes del Plata (MDP).
Durazno Stockpile, also with a capacity of 100,000 solid m³, is located in the department of Durazno. It has a public scale and provides loading, unloading and load planning of eucalyptus timber for UPM and MDP.
On the other hand, the group manages two timber intermediate stockpiles in the country littoral. These are Montes del Plata Yvyrá Stockpile and UPM Yatay Stockpile.
The total storage capacity of stockpiles managed by the group is of 400,000 solid m³.
Timber Stockpiles were created for cellulose plants to have timber available in accessible places, under any climate condition.